Coffee, scrubs, and fur

A glimpse into the insane life of a vet tech student

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Sexual fact o’ the day… Iguanas, koalas and komodo dragons all have two penises!

 You’re welcome. 

To say this semester started off started off with a bang is an understatement. I barely can find time to eat or breathe for that matter with all the studying, reading, and assignments I have to keep on top of, and it’s only the second week. No joke, I take my notes to the bathroom with me!

Okay, time to play catch up. My “break” ended with me having to take a remedial exam for one of my previous classes. The class was set up so that you had to pass three criteria (written, practical, and class overall) in order to pass the class and move on. I aced the practical portion but not the written, and thus didn’t pass the class, even though I technically still passed it overall (messed up system I know!). The professors were kind enough to give me a remedial exam. If I passed it, I could move on. If I didn’t, then I would’ve had to wait a whole year to retake the class and then move on. The Vet Tech program is no joke! Thankfully I passed! Probably the worst Winter Break I have ever had though. This literally was the first time I have ever failed something academically and as such, took a major toll on my self image and feeling of worth. Let’s just say without my faith and family/friends, I don’t know that I could’ve gotten through that rough patch – so thank you!

After I got the awesome news, I then had only three days to prepare for the first day of class (on top of working). Already there were reading assignments, and I had no books yet (didn’t want to jinx myself). Nothing like starting the semester already behind! Though I think God took some pity by giving us two extra snow days.

Which leads me to snowmageddon: Lansing received 16 inches within a 12 hour time frame (negative temps on top of that). So, I pretty much got stuck at work. Though I live only minutes away, it was too dangerous to even attempt getting out of the parking lot. All I can say is I for once was glad that I work at a hotel – cause I ended up staying there for the night!

Last Semester of Classes (before clinicals)

The end is finally in sight! This semester I am taking Parasitology, Dentistry, Practice Management, Large Animal Disease, Vet Tech Careers, and Advanced Skills courses. Coffee (and my planner) has become my lifeline! Many early mornings. As major events come up, I will be sure to post about them. Thursday of this week will be our first client interaction simulation. Basically we will have to take a history from a real client and animal; the whole time we will be recorded on video and graded. So, this shall be interesting!

So here we go! The beginning of the end. Here’s to all the late nights, early mornings, lack of sleep, forgetting to eat, gray hairs, loss of mind, mental breakdowns, panic attacks, tears and laughter for the next however many weeks. Take the journey with me, as I will be posting all projects (that I can), experiences, and events that this semester will bring =). The life of a Vet Tech student is….